open up. 

 empty out.

Meet your new whole-self practice: sisterhood | sensuality | self-care

What we do

We create a container for soulful, big-hearted women to re-attune to their bodies and original nature and reclaim their playfulness, sensuality, and power.

Want to understand the true benefits of self-reclamation and the work we do in and outside of the studio? GO HERE.

Explore the brief FAQs here to get the basic scoop on Slow & Wild or visit our complete FAQ page for all the details.

  • Slow & Wild Studios is where the art of sensual movement meets the wisdom and transformation of Self-Reclamation work. We work with soulful, body-positive women like you to help you cultivate a Self-Reclamation Practice centered on sensual movement and self-care that gives you back your full power and aliveness.

    You can think of our classes like a pleasure-seeking, freedom-creating, power-restoring mash-up of yoga, primal, somatic movement, and sensual dance. We dance, breathe, stretch, attune, emote, connect to our deepest core and truth, stoke our creative fires, and love on every inch of our feminine bodies.

    We offer In-Studio Classes and will soon launch Slow & Wild Virtual, a monthly subscription that unlocks an all-access pass to attend our classes virtually (via Zoom) and utilize our ever-growing Video On Demand content library. This archive includes audio, video, and written content that deepens the work we do in class.

  • Our address is 1903 Hwy 41 Suite 204, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466.

    We share our lobby and restrooms with Creative Minds Preschool, so they conveniently offer childcare (through their business, not ours) during all of our morning yoga classes. Score for the mamas out there!

  • Visit our Intro Offer page to get 3 classes for $50 (that’s nearly half off!) so you can try all the classes and pick your faves. When you go to book a class, you’ll be guided through all the step by step registration and enrollment options.

  • If:

    A) you identify as a woman;

    B) you’re able bodied enough to dance in your underwear at home and your doctor would clear you for a yoga class;

    C) you thrive on growth, connection, and showing up as the REAL you – no facades – and;

    D) you’re ready and willing to love on every inch of that gorgeous meat suit you have the privilege of inhabiting…

    Then hell yes. Bring it, woman! We break everything down and believe in a lot of repetition. Flexibility, strength, and stamina will come over time. Gotta start somewhere.

    We can’t wait to meet you and get all Slow & Wild with you!

  • You do you. There’s no wrong way to do this practice as long as you’re being kind and true to yourself. You’ll be guided to attune to yourself right from the start so that part should happen by default. Trust what feels right to you.

    We don’t necessarily share our thoughts and emotions. The vulnerability is just a quiet, shared agreement. We let ourselves be seen, and see others. We’re just in the studio together, moving, feeling, and flowing.

    We don’t coach anyone individually or try to fix anyone if they’re experiencing big emotion. The whole point is to feel and not resist – not poke or prod or judge or make meaning about what we feel. We simply open to whatever we feel and let the movement do its work. We welcome and celebrate whatever is alive in us on any given day.

    There’s no shame or blame, just sensation and noticing. It’s all just energy in motion – phenomenon passing through – emotions, sensations, impulses, and thoughts having their short-lived life in us. You’ll move your body, let your energy that needs to move become your dance, and enjoy the ride!

  • We're a Sisterhood of soulful, body-positive women healing and liberating ourselves and each other by stripping away shame and unbinding our hearts, minds, and bodies. Creating a safe, judgment- and competition-free zone is our highest priority.

    The women who gravitate here may or may not be dancers or yogis in the traditional sense, but they love to move, fully inhabit their bodies, and embrace their humanity and desire.

    Big-hearted and brave AF, they choose personal freedom, self-honoring, and being REAL over the relentless expectations of our noisy, hustle-driven society. What’s not to love?

  • Somatic just means of the body, and like any solid yoga, dance, or exercise practice that involves good body mechanics and at least some elements of mindfulness/self-awareness, this practice can feel deeply supportive, enlivening, and therapeutic.

    We release pent up energy, get endorphins flowing, and treat ourselves the way we’ve always hoped others would. Those things, in and of themselves, can be deeply healing.

    But this is not therapy or a substitute for therapy, nor is it intended to “cure” anything. We just give you the space and the cues to take really incredible care of yourself and the other women in the room for the 75 minutes that we have you. And we reckon if you’re consistent in your involvement in this growing sisterhood, you will change for the better.

  • As a ritual, we move our bodies on what we call a Sensory Mat – a luxurious 6-foot round practice mat that defines your practice space. These mats were designed and manufactured by us personally. They’re made of faux rabbit fur so they invite you to stretch, slink, and slide that gorgeous body around in the sexiest of ways with playful and exploratory ease. Knees and bony parts are extra protected as there are not one but TWO layers on which we practice. Beneath the Sensory Mat lies another 6-foot round Foundation Mat – a thick, high-density yoga mat that is durable, spacious, and grippy.

    The Sensory Mat on top feels delicious against the skin (which is one reason why we love to bare a lot of it; that, and of course, it’s a beautiful thing to get comfortable seeing and celebrating ourselves in the mirror dancing with very little clothing on).

    There’s a gradual movement and music progression that starts super slow and low to the ground then builds in pace and intensity. The eventual crescendo culminates in a delicious and dynamic yoga flow or a fun and sexy dance routine (either floor, chair, or heels, depending on the class). Lastly, we wrap up with a journaling session and Integration (think: Savasana, the final resting pose in yoga) to further integrate the most pleasurable or significant learning moments and self-discoveries.

  • Great question. The short answer is, wear whatever you want. As always, you do you.

    The long answer? Wear something stretchy and breathable that feels good on your skin, helps you feel your best while practicing, and makes you feel beautiful, confident, and like you’re meeting your own needs for comfort.

    Some days I wear baggy ass sweatpants over a leotard, cropped tees and yoga pants I’ve had for eons, or granny-panty style briefs (because I’m not in the mood for wedgies).

    Other days, I say BRING THE WEDGIE! (Shout out to the pole and burlesque communities for teaching me how to feel incredible about freeing the ass cheeks!)

    Most days, it’s just so damn good to feel the silky slide of the Sensory Mat’s faux rabbit fur all over me. It’s like I’m being pet and held by the softest, most calming fur-creature who lives to watch me move, explore my curves, caress my skin, hold space for me, adore, comfort and support me. That sounds weird, I know, but it’s true. You’ll see.

    Also, showing a lot of skin and looking at yourself lovingly, deliberately, and acceptingly in the mirror is a powerful self-care practice. P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L. We multiply the power of it exponentially when we do it together – celebrating, admiring, and approving of each other’s unique beauty, movements, impulses, style, shape, size, and perfect imperfections.

    Then the REAL magic happens as each woman gets more in tune with her own power, worth, and turn-on… reconnecting to primal longings and re-integrating long-ago-abandoned parts of herself. This unfolds naturally as she begins to release issues from her tissues, eradicate shame patterns, and become more aware of her own needs and how to meet them.

    She’ll get more comfortable expressing herself through sensual, somatic, and primal movement and sound (and possibly more comfortable showlng more skin). Showing skin is optional, of course, but there are so many benefits to practicing with skin out in a safe space like this with other women.

  • Go here to learn about our philosophy and the benefits and basis of the Slow & Wild practice.

  • Our intention is to bring you back home to yourself and help you feel COMPLETELY yourself: whole, grounded, empowered, free, and fully alive; to close the gap between who you think you’re supposed to be and who you really are at your core. We call this Self-Reclamation. You’re reclaiming all parts of yourself.

    You can focus specifically on an area or aspect of yourself that you most long to reclaim – or work with one of the 10 areas we hone and provide prompts for: your BODY, VOICE, TIME, SPACE, INTUITION, SENSUALITY, SEXUALITY, SPIRITUALITY, DESIRES, and PASSIONS.

    Our classes facilitate a mind-body movement practice to a carefully curated playlist. We offer 3 types of classes: Our Signature class (more dance than yoga), our Slow & Wild Yoga Flow (more yoga than dance), and Choreo (short for Choreography) Classes that rotate week to week between teaching chair, heels, and floor dance routines.

    The overall goal is to provide such an ongoing variety that you’re able to get this practice IN YOUR BODY. We hope you’ll cultivate a sensual movement practice of your own – that will both restore you and enable you to maintain optimal wellness. We invite you to not only join us In-Studio, but also subscribe to Slow & Wild Virtual come this Summer so you can practice from home with your very own Sensory and Foundation Mats. Each day, you’ll release the “issues in your tissues” – the tension that would otherwise weigh on your emotional and physical well-being. Hence the tagline, open up, empty out.

    You can think of our classes like a pleasure-seeking, freedom-creating, power-restoring mash-up of yoga, mindfulness, and sensual dance – only in a matter of 75 minutes, you’re getting the kind of whole-self reset you’d usually only get from a full yoga retreat – or multiple sessions with a gifted coach or therapist who really sees you followed by an entire weekend of belly laughs with your girlfriends.

  • Yes! (Or we will soon, anyway.) Shortly after our studio’s official open date, we’ll launch Slow & Wild Virtual. It’ll provide access to all of our In-Studio Classes virtually, via Zoom, plus a whole video library of On-Demand Content. Learn more about that here.

  • Stay tuned, because soon after we launch, we will add additional lines of support for the women in this sisterhood with online and in-person events, retreats, group and 1-1 coaching, and private forums for deepening the community bond and integrating the growth, self-discoveries, and changes catalyzed by their Slow & Wild practice. Join our mailing list to ensure you’re kept in the (pleasure) loop.

  • Three months! And be sure to use them all because the are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

    Go here to explore memberships.

  • I (Kris) am not yet certified in pole. I fell in love with the apparatus and form of dance over 3 years ago (and am officially OBSESSED with it), but for now, my one pole in the studio is only for personal use. It brings
    me a ton of joy and satisfaction.

    The pole and burlesque communities have taught me so much about body positivity. You know, you HAVE to be scantily clad in order for your skin to stick to the pole, otherwise you’ll fall right off of it. I’ve loved getting used to showing skin. I’ve also loved cheering on so many women in pole and burlesque classes as they own and embody their desire, express their erotic, and show their darker feminine side. Learning and performing on the pole has made me more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I love all my wrinkles, rolls, folds, stretch marks, cellulite, and sags more than ever before.

    While I may or may not ever get certified to teach pole – or move to a bigger space that would allow me to offer pole classes to the community – I’ll be damned if I don’t at least pass on and pay forward the positive gifts I’ve gained from pole, burlesque, and all the body-positive performers and teachers I’ve been blessed to dance alongside.

You can think of our classes like a pleasure-seeking, freedom-creating, power-restoring mash-up of yoga and sensual dance.

We move, breathe, take up space, stretch, attune, emote, move big energy…

use our vocal cords, and love on every inch of our feminine bodies.

The women who gravitate here may or may not be dancers or yogis in the traditional sense.

But they love to move, fully inhabit their bodies, and embrace their humanity and desire. Big-hearted and brave AF, they choose personal freedom, self-honoring, and being REAL over the relentless expectations of our noisy, hustle-driven society.