

May this practice be a reclamation of the feminine in her full power and range; in all her beautiful forms, light and dark.


  is granted.

The poet Rumi has a quote: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.”

This room is that field – a safe haven free from competition, posturing, shame, and judgment; where guards can come down and the full spectrum of our humanity come through.

We show up as we are, look how we look, feel how we feel, and throw striving and perfectionism out the window. We break rules and make a mess on purpose – because it’s MEDICINE. It’s how we uncage the wild one within, reconnect to her fire and ferocity, come back home to ourselves, and come fully alive.

May we learn how to listen to this animal body – and let her lead. Let us build her capacity to take her sweet time and take up space unapologetically – for the sake of healing, pleasure, erotic vitality, and liberation – as we open up and empty out, honoring and awakening every inch of her.


As each of us is liberated from shame and good girl conditioning through the freedom we grant ourselves and each other in this permission field, we re-attune to our unique and original nature and restore our fire and full aliveness. We are reclaiming the feminine not just for ourselves but for all women worldwide – and the people, beings, and planet we are here to love and protect. We stand in solidarity.