self-reclamation pathway

Progressing down the

Why we flipped the chakra system on its head

Yoga (and most systems considered spiritual) were created by men. While men may be more in need of ascending the “chakra ladder” by cultivating these more esoteric energies, women need the opposite… desperately. We need to root down, ground into our lower bodies and erotic fire, strengthen our voices, and reclaim our agency and full aliveness.

We call this Self-Reclamation – and it consists of 3 things:

  • a recalibration of your nervous system, restoring neuroception – your unconscious ability to assess for risk, danger, and safety;

  • a return to your essential feminine nature with greater access to your own turn-on; and

  • a jailbreak from the invisible good girl prison that is our societal conditioning.

As each of us progresses along our Self-Reclamation journeys, we descend down the pathway from “Initiate” (associated with the crown chakra and inspiration) to “Matriarch” (associated with the root chakra and groundedness).

This page details the progression. Welcome to your RECLAMATION.

Progression Level Descriptions

Level 1: Initiation – Entering the Permission Field

Title: Initiate | Milestone: 1-9 visits | Associated Chakra: Crown (Inspiration) | Stone: Lepidolite

Your initiation into the Permission Field of Slow & Wild invites you to release societal expectations and re-attune to your unique and original nature. This first step is about conferring safety to your own nervous system, allowing you to soften into a space where you can be fully human, let your guard down, and PLAY. Play is the opposite of trauma, and granting yourself permission to access this open state ritualistically – in the company of other safe women – promotes healing. You’ll build your capacity to listen to your animal body and let her impulses lead as you take up space unapologetically. You’ll begin the journey of reclaiming essential aspects of yourself such as (those we refer to as “The Main Ten”): your body, voice, time, space, intuition, sensuality, sexuality, spirituality, passion, and desire.

Level 2: Excavation – Uncovering & Illuminating Your Pathway Forward

Title: Excavator | Milestone: 10-39 visits | Associated Chakra: Third Eye (Clear Vision) | Stone: Sodalite

Embody the Archaeologist archetype and become the “Cave Explorer with the Heart-Shaped Compass”. Delve deep into your inner world to compassionately confront and integrate your shadow with open, honest inquiry. This is the phase in which you’ll rediscover the parts of yourself hidden away in pursuit of perfection and belonging. As you excavate these hidden gems of your psyche and welcome back home repressed or denied parts of yourself, you’ll unlock vast reservoirs of energy and insight. Embrace the revelations and the opportunities for profound transformation that they bring. Let them illuminate your path forward, guiding your journey of Self-Reclamation.

Level 3: Command – Reclaiming Your Voice

Title: Oracle | Milestone: 40-69 visits | Throat (Clear Communication) | Stone: Blue Chalcedony

Boldly speak your truth into being. Reclaim your voice and shed the fear of judgment as you step into unapologetic self-expression. In this phase, you’ll gain a palpable sense of command, learning to stand firm in your truth and boundaries. Building on the self-attunement work, nervous system recalibration, and inquiry you’ve done, you’ll have a clearer sense of your own yes’s and no’s and a stronger ability to articulate your needs and desires with confidence and clarity. Old habits of creating accidental chaos and overwhelm for yourself, and expending unnecessary energy seeking external validation, will drastically diminish.

Level 4: Containment – Conferring Safety and Expanding Stability

Title: Heart Guardian Milestone: 70-99 visits | Associated Chakra: Heart (Pure Love) | Stone: Rose Quartz

You’ve cultivated a deep sense of safety from within. More has been revealed about what really matters to you and what is needed most at this time in your life. In this phase, you’ll balance vulnerability with strength and build trust in yourself as you align with emerging truths and desires, exploring the outer edges of your comfort zone. You’ll replace any remaining patterns of self-betrayal and abandonment with radical self-love, becoming the steadfast anchor and heart guardian in your own life. This opens you to giving and receiving more love in sustainable, healthy ways. You’ll be better able to hold differences of opinion and perspective. Embrace this expanding stability, knowing you can hold others and be held without compromising your own truth.

Level 5: Sovereignty – Reclaiming Your Agency

Title: Sovereign | Milestone: 100-149 visits | Associated Chakra: Solar Plexus (Power Center) | Stone: Tiger’s Eye

Reclaim your sovereignty and assert yourself as the ultimate authority in your life. This phase is about agency, choice, and trusting your inner compass and navigation abilities. You’ll integrate your intuition with your neuroception – your ability to clearly perceive what’s happening around you, accurately assess your safety, and make aligned choices. Those choices will deepen your sense of security and well being, gradually harmonizing your outer life with your inner world. You’ll replace any remaining patterns of blame, shame, or people-pleasing with deep self-respect and -assuredness. Resting back in your own power and feeling comfortable and relaxed in your own skin will become your primary way of being.

Level 6: Manifestation – From Vision to Reality

Title: Creatrix | Milestone: 150-249 visits | Associated Chakra: Sacral (Creativity/Sexuality) | Stone: Moonstone

The word Creatrix means "creatress" and is the feminine form of the Latin word creator. It’s a woman or goddess who brings forth or produces; a mother, female founder, or authoress. In this phase, you become the Creatrix of your own life, fully immersed in your creative and sexual energy and able to harness your erotic life force or Eros. You’ll begin to manifest your desires with clarity and ease, trusting your abilities to align your life with your deepest aspirations. Having amplified the range of your feminine power, and now embodying even more fluidity and playfulness, your self-expression will mesmerize and entrance, and the visions you’ve always held for yourself will come into vibrant reality.

Level 7: Legacy – Leaving Your Matriarchal Mark

Title: Matriarch | Milestone: 250+ visits | Associated Chakra: Root (Groundedness/Rootedness) | Stone: Black Tourmaline

You’ve taken yourself back, fully reclaiming your voice, vision, wild instincts, and primal power. Deeply rooted in your feminine and able to flow within its full spectrum of energies from light to dark, you lead with grace, fire, and softness. As a Keeper of the Slow & Wild Coven, you captivate and guide others in the Sisterhood and in your life with unparalleled wisdom, trustworthiness, authenticity, and elegance. You see clearly and know how to take right action while staying attuned both inwardly and out. Leaving an indelible mark as a Matriarch, your presence has profound ripple effects, nurturing, grounding, and empowering not just the people in your orbit and the women of Slow & Wild Nation but the lives and hearts of those they touch.

Can you guess how we celebrate level promotions? See our Instagram page for more pics.

Happy floggers celebrating their promotion to level 2 on their Self-Reclamation Journey