Hunt for pleasure

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What you reclaim through your sensual movement practice:

1) Your Body

Your body is your own. You owe it to no one but yourself. Shower it with unconditional love and gratitude and care for it like your life depends on it –– because it does. Leverage your practice to discover and unlock its secrets, wisdom, and capacity for joy and pleasure.

2) Your Voice

Find and connect to your most authentic, pure, and powerful voice. Use it to move energy and express the force of nature that you are –– with your unique longings, passions, perspectives, values, truths, declarations, life lessons, and boundaries.

3) Your Time

Your time is your own –– and it is the scarcest and most precious resource you have. There is no getting it back. Invest it in what really matters to you and protect it with all that you are.

4) Your Space

Your space is your own. Take up as much as you need. Enlarge yourself when it feels right. Declare and enforce the “size of your bubble” when you have the need for a big one. It’s an act of self-nourishment and -respect.

5) Your Intuition

Your intuition is your superpower once you learn to really hear and trust it. Through shadow and parts work and deep listening, you can cultivate oracle-level abilities for understanding yourself, your patterns and relationships, and navigating your life.

6) Your Sensuality

Your 5 senses, along with your breath, are portals into greater presence, pleasure, and aliveness. Attune to them ritualistically as a gift to yourself by moving on your Sensory Mat and feeling sensation in your body and on your skin.

7) Your Sexuality

Your sexuality and your turn-on are your own. It is your birthright to connect to, explore, celebrate, and express the most primal, erotic parts of yourself. Shed all shame around your body and sexuality and be free. You are worthy of all the turn-on and bliss you can imagine. Permission is granted.

8) Your Spirituality

Your connection to, and relationship with, Spirit (AKA God, the Universe, Source Energy, or the Great Mystery) is personal to you. Take ownership over cultivating this connection with rituals that feel nourishing, sacred, and supportive. Leverage this ever-growing connection for strength, courage, inspiration, and healing.

9) Your Passion

Passions are big YES’s. They grab you, fascinate you, light you up, turn you on, tug at your heartstrings, and make you endlessly curious to discover and experience more. Cultivate them like friendships. Let them lead you into delicious flow states. They will be a source of vital fuel as you continually invest in them.

10) Your Desire

Desire is powerful, deeply motivating, and transformative. Fan the flames of it and know that you are worthy of the best that life and love have to offer. Although not all desires need to be acted on or realized, acknowledging, and when appropriate, sharing them, can be healing, empowering, and helpful in building intimacy.